Appointment to Windsor Port Authority

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No. H115/04
For release – November 30, 2004
Appointment to Windsor Port Authority

OTTAWA — Transport Minister Jean-C. Lapierre today announced the appointment of Maxwell Zalev of Windsor, Ontario, to the board of directors of the Windsor Port Authority.

“I am pleased that Mr. Zalev has agreed to serve as a board member of the Windsor Port Authority,” said Mr. Lapierre. “His extensive experience in financial administration and as a member of numerous boards and commissions will be an asset to the Authority.”

Mr. Zalev, who began his career as a staff accountant for Coopers and Lybrand, is acting chief executive officer of Windsor Canada Utilities Ltd., and acting general manager of the Windsor Utilities Commission. He holds a bachelor’s degree in commerce and finance from the University of Toronto, an executive M.B.A. from the University of Western Ontario, and attended Harvard University’s negotiation program in 1988 and 1997.

Mr. Zalev was formerly president and chief executive officer of Zalev Brothers Limited and has provided extensive financial advice to the many boards and committees on which he has sat during the last 30 years, including, Windsor Canada Utilities Ltd., City of Windsor Audit Committee and the Hotel – Dieu Grace Hospital Committee.

On July 1, 1999 the Windsor Port Authority replaced the Windsor Harbour Commission and became one of eighteen independently managed Canada Port Authorities created under the Canada Marine Act. The Windsor Port Authority continues to administer federal lands within the port and to serve as a collective spokesperson for the port users, representing their interests on various municipal, provincial, and federal issues.

Under its mandate, the Windsor Port Authority has greater management flexibility than before, including increased freedom to develop contracts and leases related to land and facilities, to set tariffs and fees, and to borrow money from commercial sources.

The Port of Windsor is the third largest Canadian Great Lakes port. Cargo shipments include aggregates, salt, grain, fluorspar, lumber, steel, petroleum, vehicles and heavy lift equipment. In the first half of 2004, the port processed 1,808 ships and 3,716,216 tonnes of cargo.

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Irène Marcheterre
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister, Ottawa
(613) 991-0700

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