200 Building Audit

200 Building Audit

Ah Mr. Dunbar. You really know how to hurt Windsor Council. It is what Council is noted for:

“We question the necessity and the degree to which Council meetings relevant to this project were held in-camera. The lack of public transparency on a taxpayer funded project created challenges throughout the audit review.”

I wonder if you were sick of it too and retired.
Lots of stuff to read and to try to absorb. When you read the Report there is no doubt that the way that this project was carried on was a shambles. It is a shocking indictment of the way that this City constructed the 400 building. I will outline today just some of what the Auditor said in the Report. I will talk about some of the financial information and the City’s justification in another BLOG.

To be blunt, Councillor Valentinis was the big proponent and defender of this project. It would be very interesting to hear what he has to say after reading this Report. He has to be very distressed and disappointed.

Well, we only got half of it. We just got Part I of the 400 Building Audit. They did not dare give us all in one package. I think that the real juicy stuff is coming, for example why St. Clair College did not come to the building and why a number of contractors who bid on the project were furious. Is the failure to release the Dunbar Audit at this time based on the concern that the City may get sued by unhappy Contractors?


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