The Real 400 Building Audit Scandal: The Arena

The Real 400 Building Audit Scandal: The Arena

Angela Berry has done taxpayers a great service. Her Audit Report is a tale of massive City incompetence that has cost taxpayers millions of dollars in the 400 Building (although that amount has not been calculated) and will have cost us millions more in projects that followed because the Dunbar lessons were never learned since they were kept hidden for years.

Here are some figures you might consider to understand what I mean:

  • “Vindella’s original price per sq ft was identified as $182.50. Mady’s was $164. After adjustments: Vindella’s overall price is $154 per sq ft. Now Mady’s price is $157 per sq ft.

    Keep in mind this is for a 10 storey building. If we adjust for the difference in cost between a 4 storey [Vindella] and a 10 storey [Mady] building… makes Mady’s final price $126 per sq ft.

    Even if this adjustment were not made, Mady’s’s final price was $157 per sq ft with a huge score advantage in the assessment matrix over the Vindella proposal which was $154 per square foot.

    If Mady had the opportunity to revise his proposal to a 4 storey building, it is reasonable to assume that his price would have come in a much less than the $154 per sq ft of Vindella.”

The Mike Dunbar Audit must be released to the public immediately and all the events surrounding it must be investigated thoroughly even if it takes a judicial inquiry to do so.

In my opinion, his report is fundamental to understanding why there was such a huge rush to get the arena deal signed, sealed and delivered before the new City Council took over in 2007. Those details will be outlined below.

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More On The 400 Audit

More On The 400 Audit

Some additional thoughts on what happened yesterday with the 400 Building audit report.


Is it true that someone wanted changes to be made to the Audit Report at the in camera Audit Committee meeting at 10:30 yesterday? I wonder what those changes were and who was the one who wanted them made and why?

I expect that in order to make changes, their procedure would require a reconsideration of the Report. My guess would be that there were not enough votes to get that reconsideration.

When exactly was the Audit Report printed for distribution to the public? Was it really done after 3:30 p.m. yesterday?


Can’t the Mayor keep his nose out of other people’s business? Does he have to micromanage everything including matters that are none of his business.

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