Council Fight Over WFCU Audit Goes Public

Council Fight Over WFCU Audit Goes Public

Story by Adelle Loiselle, Blackburn News

For months, Windsor city councillors have refrained from using names and have chosen their words carefully when it comes to trouble in the city’s Auditor General’s office, the delayed audit into the WFCU Centre, and the public comments of one fellow councillor. That has changed.

At the city’s inaugural Executive Committee meeting, councillors have decided to recommend the hiring of auditing firm KPMG to finish the audit left incomplete when the city’s lead auditor, Angela Berry, suddenly left her job. She’s accusing the city of workplace harassment in a lawsuit alleging mobbing and intimidation. In a letter to council, KPMG says it will try to complete the audit by June 15th. The city has budgeted $80,000 for the contract.

Councillor Alan Halberstadt has been very critical of the way the audit has been handled, alleging at one point in his blog it would never see the light of day. He’s also suggested Berry was investigating tips to a whistleblower hotline, suggestions that were later denied by Audit Committee chair Max Zalev. He voted against the hiring of Auditor General Bill Carter back in February, saying the work should be done in house. Monday night, he was the lone vote against hiring KPMG.

Councillor Drew Dilkens is accusing Halberstadt of misleading the public over the affair and says KPMG wouldn’t even be needed if Halberstadt hadn’t spoken to the media and blogged about an in-camera discussion about the Auditor General’s position, a charge Halberstadt denied. “What else could I say when somebody asks me why I voted in a certain way and that’s what I said.”

Dilkens responded “If you pulled the newspaper, sir, you’d know that what you’re saying is a bunch of sh*t.” Dilkens later apologized for the remark.

Mayor Eddie Francis responded to the debate saying he couldn’t wait for the audit to see the light of day. “I’ve been the only person that has been subjected to slander, subjected to innuendo and subjected to rumours in regards to family and everything else. For some it’s become sport for some to try to take on politicians and try to muddy the waters and it’s only a red herring. It’s not a red herring if it’s your name.”

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Arena: A White-Wash Audit In The Making

Arena: A White-Wash Audit In The Making

By Chris Schnurr

After 3 long years it was welcome news the City of Windsor had finally hired an auditor general. According to a source at city hall the city’s auditor general has been on the job since mid-April.

But if the correspondence between Audit Committee Chair, Max Zalev and Paul Ross of KPMG in Report No. 49 of the Audit Committee is an indication it appears the role of the Auditor General is being circumvented.

The audit committee – consisting of only Max Zalev, Bill Carter and George Sandala – is recommending that KPMG continue the audit of the arena. And according to KPMG, Max Zalev is “responsible” for the audit and that KPMG would “report” to him “orally on a regular basis”:

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