Council Cleared By Investigation

Council Cleared By Investigation

Story by Adelle Loiselle, Blackburn News

An investigation into a closed door meeting at Windsor City Hall last February has cleared city council of wrongdoing.

The abrupt decision to go in-camera came after a lengthy debate over whether to outsource the city’s Office of the Auditor General turned nasty. Mayor Eddie Francis accused councillor Alan Halberstadt of misleading the public by suggesting in his blog a decision to outsource would be a decision to make sure the audit into the WFCU Centre never saw the light of day. Others on council used even stronger language to condemn Halberstadt’s choice of words. The closed-door session lasted for the better part of an hour as councillors called lead auditor Angela Berry at home to question her about alleged complaints made about the audit.

Shortly after returning to public session, council voted to keep auditing services in-house and city clerk Valerie Critchley says the complainant questioned if some debate, that should have been public, was instead kept private. She admits the investigation is not routine with only two complaints made against the city since changes to the Municipal Act ruling in-camera meetings went into effect in 2007.

Amberley Gavel Limited carried out the investigation concluding council properly went in-camera and did not violate the Municipal Act. The company did make five recommendations including improving minute keeping and regularly reviewing policies for closed-door meetings.

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NDP Calls Auditor General

NDP Calls Auditor General

Story by Mike Vlasveld, Blackburn News

NDP Candidates in Windsor are calling on the Auditor General of Ontario to investigate the Grace Site.

Windsor-Tecumseh representative, Andrew McAvoy says someone has to be held accountable for it taking so long to tear down. “The Auditor General of Ontario has been clear that he will not investigate this action without the permission of Dwight Duncan.” He adds, “That leads to the next step, which is we need representation who are willing to admit something went wrong on the provincial level.”

McAvoy says that the Liberals did that in part when they fired Lou Vozza as the contractor.

Windsor-West’s Helmi Charif says there hasn’t been enough community input either, and the NDP want to hold town hall meetings regarding site plans.


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KPMG Arena Audit Slams Halberstadt And Berry

KPMG Arena Audit Slams Halberstadt And Berry

By Ed Arditti

Finally the “will Edgar (aka Eddie) run or won’t he”  in the next Provincial election soap opera is over.   What a huge headline and story in the Saturday Star.  Now that is making a mountain out of a mole hill.

All of these Star stories over the last week or so certainly captured the imagination of Windsorites. So much so, that the audit of the arena was hardly mentioned at all because people were focusing on something different.

I did note however that Councillor Halberstadt who was away on vacation seemed to take the brunt of a lot of criticism. Why the Mayor could not have waited a few more days until he returned is beyond me.  He was viciously attacked as well by several of his colleagues. Over what, I’m still not sure… All he wanted was some answers to some questions concerning the  arena. Isn’t that his job?

It will be an “old” story by the time he returns. Everyone will want to forget about it on Council. Who will have any interest in anything that he says and will support anything that he wants to do?

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