Plenty wrong with hydro bills

05 Jan 2011 Plenty wrong with hydro bills

So, first I’m supposed to utilize energy savings devices to conserve.

Then, I’m supposed to pay (through my monthly bill) for smart meters that will enable the metering of my consumption supposedly incentivizing me to strategically use the discretionary portion of my consumption during off peak hours.

Then, I’m expected to pay higher rates for utility usage even though I’m utilizing energy saving devices and moving discretionary power usage to off-peak hours because of the need to incent the development and installation of green power generation.

Now, the entity who’s done all of these studies related to the need of conservation has presented its findings to the public and has acted on those findings by increasing the amount consumers have to pay to conserve energy.

They have somehow made the elementary math mistake of not considering that the conservation of energy would reduce the amount of transmission fees it collects and has put it in a position of being unable to fulfil its tax obligations without gouging its customers even more. All this from a company that doesn’t even produce the energy in the first place.

Never mind.

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