Windsor Auditor General Review Petition

The Petition

We, the people of Windsor, call on the Mayor and City Council to bring in the Auditor General of Ontario to review the Office of the Auditor General of Windsor, specifically:

  1. a review of all work done to date, including policies and audit plans;
  2. recommend the most efficient and effective method for staffing the office; and
  3. a review of the reporting structure contemplated by the City of Windsor.

By using the Auditor General of Ontario, the independence of Windsor’s Auditor General office is protected and preserved for it’s next occupant.

Hard copies of the petition can be downloaded <here> and will be available throughout the City starting Thursday February 9th.

Update: Hard copies of the petition are available at the following locations:

  • Phog Lounge – 157 University Ave West
  • Rino’s Kitchen – 131 Elliott St West
  • Milk Coffee Bar – 68 University Ave West
  • The Service Market – 480 University Ave West

Sign petition:

Contact Petition Sponsor Paul Synnott

Please contact the Mayor, your City Councillor and MPPs to let them know of your concerns. 

Please feel free to add feedback, additional info, alternative contact details, related links, articles, anonymous submission, etc. as a comment below, via web-form, through social media or mail us directly and confidentially at: operationenwin [at] gmail [dot] com

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