The Real Reason Langlois Had To Go

The Real Reason Langlois Had To Go
By Robert Tuomi

(WINDSOR, ON) – It was an eureka moment that had one generous feeling member of a clutch of city hall watchers ordering extra porridge for all at an unscheduled pre-work breakfast meeting February 10, 2012.

Everything had fallen in to place. The watchers now knew, to a person, why the Auditor General (AG) had to be summarily dismissed. Oh, it was so clear. It was as if the transparency had just been polished to the limit with an ample helping of Windex, or a non-name brand alternative.

The powers that be at city hall, which happens to be its inward and selfish council, have been spending money on white elephant monuments to the city’s gloriously failed mayor in a fashion some think is similar to just paid, drunk sailors trolling the bars in Barcelona, Spain, if such a thing happens, although it seemed to happen when the writer was there once.

All taxpayers need to figure it out is a multi-year calendar. It all makes sense. First off, the whole thing about the AG wanting to attend at the headquarters of Enwin and check out the accounting and other entries in its books is nothing if not subterfuge. That is not the issue at all, never was, never will be.

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