Todd Langlois Affair Solution

Todd Langlois Affair Solution

By Ed Arditti

Of course, leave it to the Blogmeister to work out a solution that makes everybody happy and solves all of the problems.

The more this AG fiasco goes on, the more that is disclosed to the public, the more likely it is that the City will have to cave in and pay Todd Langlois money to get out of this fiasco. Or rather taxpayers will have to foot the bill because City officials don’t have to pay money out of their pocketbooks even if they screw up…

Would Mr. Langlois be happy? I don’t think so. I think that he would rather work than get some cash in his hand. Like it or not that money will go quickly unless he can get a job offer. I’m not sure how many there are around considering that he was prepared to wait quite a bit of time before the City finally decided to hire him.

For Windsorites, frankly it would be a horrific disaster.

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