Jo-Anne Gignac

Jo-Anne Gignac

Jo-Anne Gignac – Ward 6

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 945-4434

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Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac – Ward 6
c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 945-4434

Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac is a lifelong resident of the Riverside area. Jo-Anne was first elected to City Council in 2003 representing Ward 5. A few of Jo-Anne’s extensive committee appointments include Licensing Commission, Rail Issues, Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority, Essex Region Conservation Authority, Lou Romano, Planning Advisory Committee, WFCU, Windsor Canada Utilities, Environmental Master Plan, Service Delivery Review and many more. Her work on the Operating and Capital Budget Committees has been very productive in addressing the financial challenges the City has and will continue to wrestle with.

Additionally Jo-Anne has represented the community at the School Board level; she was elected in 1988 as a Trustee and subsequently served as Vice-Chairperson and Chairperson of the School Board until 2000 when she decided not to seek re-election. Jo-Anne has also been involved with a number of Community organizations including the Children’s Achievement Centre, Windsor Catholic Family Services, Habitat for Humanity, Maycourt and Committee of Adjustment.

Councillor Gignac says her continuing priorities are to attract diversified investment in Windsor to create jobs; continuing our fiscal focus on reducing costs and taxes; promoting safe and clean neighbourhoods, and investing in improved sewers and roads.

Jo-Anne says she is committed to working tirelessly with residents and business, making the tough decisions to achieve an attractive, vibrant community at the forefront of social and economic innovation.

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