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Sample e-mail to City Council re: Enwin Audit

Special thanks to Bob for posting and sharing this with us! Please Note contact details are below the message…


Recently, all of you except for Councillor Halberstadt, saw the need to abruptly remove Windsor’s Auditor General from his position. To date so far, no reason has been given to the taxpayers for his dismissal citing confidentiality clauses and the possibility of a lawsuit.

There may be a legitimate reason for his dismissal however, until such time that council informs the citizen of the reason, they have opened themselves up to suspicion of a cover up. It appears from media reports that the mayor and council have had past problems with any auditor attempting to look into their books.

One of the entities that the Auditor General proposed auditing was Enwin.

Langlois also wanted to review the CEO of Enwin and his position as chairman of the city’s audit committee. Many feel that this proposed investigation was the reason behind the termination of Langlois.

Councilor Halberstadt has indicated he is calling for an immediate audit of Enwin.

As a taxpayer in the City of Windsor, I support Councillor Halberstadt’s call for an audit of Enwin. This audit should be completed by an independent outside firm with no ties to the city and is not answerable to the mayor.

It’s finding should be made public at the same time the mayor is informed of it’s findings.

While the audit itself may have no bearing on the firing of Langlois, it may bring to light some inefficiencies and questionable business practices and inflated charges by Enwin and passed on to us, the taxpayers. These gut feelings about Enwin have been brewing for some time now and need to be

I’m asking that all of you support Councillor Halberstadt’s call for an audit of Enwin to ensure that the citizens of WINDSOR ARE GETTING FAIR VALUE FOR THEIR TAX DOLLARS.

Thank you.


*Include any additional info you are comfortable with sharing but at the very least include the name and address on your Enwin bill or property tax statement.

Please note that as rate payers we are also shareholders of the Corporation of the City of Windsor.

Here is a running list of contacts and links to additional info pages on the site :)

City of Windsor

Information related to the City of Windsor including “official” contact information for the Mayor and City Council.

Mayor Eddie Francis

Mayor’s Office
350 City Hall Square West
P.O. Box 1607
Windsor Ontario N9A6S1
Phone: (519) 255-6315
Fax: (519) 255-7796

Drew Dilkens – Ward 1

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 250-4607

Ron Jones – Ward 2

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 252-1005

Fulvio Valentinis – Ward 3

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 977-5067

Alan Halberstadt – Ward 4

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 973-8323

Ed Sleiman – Ward 5

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 944-7058

Jo-Anne Gignac – Ward 6

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 945-4434

Percy Hatfield – Ward 7

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 739-9575

Bill Marra – Ward 8

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 948-0900

Hilary Payne – Ward 9

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 972-6071

Al Maghnieh – Ward 10

c/o 350 City Hall Square W. Suite 203
Windsor Ontario N9A 6S1
Phone: (519) 962-5921

To see maps of each ward, visit Approved Ward Boundaries.

Call 311for more information.

Please feel free to add feedback, additional info, alternative contact details, related links, articles, anonymous submission, etc. as a comment below, via web-form, through social media or mail us directly and confidentially at: operationenwin [at] gmail [dot] com

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