Silence Deafening on Angela Berry File

Silence Deafening on Angela Berry File

By Alan Halberstadt

At the February 21, 2012 meeting of Windsor City Council, I asked the following question during the Order of Business item entitled “Council Questions”:

Council Halberstadt asks the City Solicitor and the CAO for a status report on the current length of the investigation related to the Angela Berry workplace harassment complaint against the city, including an estimated timeline and an explanation of the process going forward once the investigation is completed, and any recommendations are submitted to Council. Report requested for March 19th Council meeting.”

Normally, Council Questions are automatically moved, seconded and carried, in other words rubber stamped, by Council. On this occasion, when Mayor Francis asked if there was a seconder for my question, there was none.

It appears quite astonishing that the rest of City Council does not want to know what’s going on with this file, given the fact that they are all named, and could conceivably be found liable at some point in time, in explosive charges by Ms. Berry alleging workplace harassment and a toxic working environment at City Hall.

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