Eddie’s Cultural Revolution

Eddie’s Cultural Revolution

By Robert Tuomi

(WINDSOR, ON) – In the land of no accountability, truth is the most cherished lost treasure. Probably a poster on gocomics.com on February 17, 2012 best summed up the situation in Windsor. Commenting on the hilarious Drabble offering of that day in which Kevin Fagan had his lead character proffering life advice to his progeny – like “the loose French fries at the bottom of the bag always taste the best” – Brian D suggested that the most appropriate advice parents can give to their offspring is that you should “never doff your hat to a barber in an alley.”

It is good advice to those living in a city that boasts a most inward and selfish council. It is a council that is blindly supporting its mayor in the imposition on its unsuspecting citizens of a cultural revolution that will rival that put in play in China in the late 1960s by Mao Zedong.

It is yet another example of the mayor of Windsor, an Edgar Francis, playing the ultimate game of one-upmanship. His cultural revolution will be bigger and better in a modern 21st century way than that of Mao.


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