Zalev’s Finger Remains In Enwin Dike

Zalev’s Finger Remains In Enwin Dike

By: Alan Halberstadt | February 10, 2012

On Feb. 2, at a press conference called by Todd Langlois after he was dismissed as Auditor General by Mayor Francis and City Council, much was said about Langlois being blocked from opening the books at Enwin Utilities.

“My client had legitimate and reasonable concerns about the chairmanship of the Audit Committee,” said Langlois’ lawyer Jim Cooke. “It is chaired by the current CEO of Enwin. And as there was a dispute with the Mayor, about whether Enwin was subject to audit by my client, there was a possibility of, at the least, an appearance of conflict given the dual roles of the chair of the audit committee.

It was perhaps fitting that all of this unfolded on Groudhog Day. I know better than most that history is repeating itself. Here is my tale.

In January of 2011, in one of my last acts as a member of the Audit Committee charged with overseeing the city’s Auditor General’s Office, I proposed at a public meeting that an audit of Enwin Canada Limited and the Windsor Utilities Commission (WUC) be conducted.

Following is my reasoning, as submitted in writing to lead auditor Angela Berry, with a verbal proposal delivered subsequently to the committee:

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