Another Windsor Square Exclusive: The Secret Campaign To Salvage Edgar

Another Windsor Square Exclusive: The Secret Campaign To Salvage Edgar
By Ed Arditti

Sigh, another one from your friends at the Square.

I wish that I could tell you all of it at this time, dear reader. However, I cannot because clearly it is a deep dark secret. I can tell you some of it though.

It is just starting and it is extremely well orchestrated. Unfortunately, it is also quite amateurish and obvious and stupid. Undoubtedly, the Eminence Greasie is not involved at all. If he/she was, then there is no doubt that such foolish tactics would never be utilized. There is no doubt that Greasie has been banished for some reason from the E-team. Or that person is on vacation for a long period of time and cannot be reached by normal means of communications, probably carrier pigeon only.

It is a multi-pronged counterattack.

Clearly, the Windsor Star is being used as the first prong. And why not, it is the leading distributor of news in this City. Undoubtedly, Edgar (aka Eddie) signalled what one branch of this approach will take when he talked about the mayoral campaign in 2014 on his radio voice, CKLW. On that station, he announced effectively that he was running again for Mayor 2014 for a fourth term. No complaints because he did not promise that he would not run again the way he did when he promised that he would not run for a third term.

What does mini-Gord in the Star talk about in his column on February 23, 2012:

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