Storm The Bastille

Storm The Bastille

By Robert Tuomi

(WINDSOR, ON) – In the land of the unaccountable, the cream rises to the top. The citizens of Windsor appear ready to take the city back. Already the posters on the Windsor Star’s website are nothing if not mad as hell. Some, responding to the sacking of the auditor general are talking of a citizen’s committee. Others are promoting a petition to call in the province.

In other parts of the city, citizens are forming residents’ associations – like the recent one in Walkerville – and others are taking over, with no pay, the jobs that the city’s lazy, selfish and inward council refuses to do but at the same time certainly does not refuse to collect its pay packets.

How bad is this council? Try contacting its members. Most simply won’t respond to emails. This is a trait becoming well known to voters including Immethreesteps who posted a revealing comment, at 4:27 pm, February 17, 2012 on the Windsor Star website, as insight on the work of another poster who listed the email addresses of all councilors.

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