WUC Report Whitewash

WUC Report Whitewash

Special Council meetings Friday at 4 p.m. on interim control bylaws so few can attend. Releasing WUC audit reports to the media at 5 p.m. so that TV news at 6 p.m. will accentuate the positive since the Reporter would not have a chance to read the entire report, be able to analyze it and to report it on the news within the hour.

Now why does Eddie need a team of PR flacks when he knows how to spin the news so well on his own!

Now I don’t want to say I told you so but I told you so. It is a whitewash audit at about $2,000 per page. As an example, the auditors identified a key question that caused concern:

“Concerns voiced by some Councilors and citizens including: Fees received by WUC for “capital replacement reserves” were used for general revenue and/or operations.”

I am still trying to find out where they answered it! I do NOT think they did because it was outside the scope of their mandate.


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