The Essential Next Step For Windsor

The Essential Next Step For Windsor

By Ed Arditti

Where is Dwight Duncan? Why is he invisible as Windsor falls apart!

Where is his newly elected colleague, Teresa Piruzza, formerly employed by the City of Windsor. She knows what goes on here. Why is she so silent as well!

They know what they can do. They know what the Provincial statutes say. Why aren’t they acting now in the interests of their constituents, the people of Windsor!

You sit here in stunned disbelief every morning reading what is going on at City Hall. Truly, it gets worse and worse every day. The size of the scandal over the termination of the Auditor General is like a snowball growing larger as it rolls down the hill.

Windsor is where I and my wife live and my children as well. Windsor, who the heck would ever move there? Yet we did. We moved to Windsor from Toronto 20+ years ago and would never move back. We have too good of a life in Windsor.

We raised our family in Windsor. We made a commitment to the City when we bought our homes in Windsor. My wife and I intend to retire in Windsor and hopefully our children will stay close by and not have to move away assuming that they can find satisfactory jobs here.

We don’t expect much. We pay our taxes and expect to get the civic services for which we pay. We want value for money. We want our water and electricity services to be dependable. We already had one big water leak right in front of our home and I don’t know how many times we have lost our power. I get angry about that.

But most of all, we want to know that our City is run honestly, efficiently and in the best interest of taxpayers. We want to know that our City is well-managed by Administrators who have the utmost of integrity and are good at what they do.

We want a Mayor and Council who are our leaders. We want to be able to put our complete trust in them, believing that they are acting to make our City the best that it can be.

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