
Leaks and submissions from various sources regarding corruption within the Windsor Utilities Commission and Enwin Utilities. Please submit or post “leaks” as comments or submit anonymous contributions via YouTube, Twitter, Google+ Page, Facebook Page or directly by email to us here: operationenwin@gmail.com or submit via web-form. Feel free to use a “dummy” email address to post any comments. We will update, publish, share, tag and categorize as we acquire submissions. Thank you.

In addition to the above methods, if you prefer to submit your information to other trusted sources please select from the following:

  • Media Policy or not, dear city worker, Doug Schmidt has an open-door policy when it comes to receiving news tips — just call my desk at 519-255-5586, email me at dschmidt@windsorstar.com, reach me through any third-party intermediary, or mail or leave the goods in a manila envelope with the downstairs reception at 167 Ferry St.
  • If you have access to Facebook, contact Ed Arditti here: https://www.facebook.com/edarditti

Please note: If you are concerned with your “leaks” being associated with your personally identifiable information,

  • NEVER use any established email addresses, personal profiles or social media accounts;
  • ALWAYS set up “new” dummy/disposable email account(s) and/or anonymous profile(s) on social media outlets;
  • ALWAYS use a proxy;
  • ALWAYS utilize email services, (gmail, hotmail, etc.) and social media websites with ssl encription, (https://) enabled!

More tips and info about Anonymity Online: https://operationenwin.wordpress.com/resources/anonymity-online/

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