Another Star Whitewash

Another Star Whitewash

By Ian Paulson

(WINDSOR, ON) – I wonder if Eddie Francis can feel his house of cards beginning to crash down around him. His intricate plans, that are detailed plans, probably didn’t include a contingency for failure. Looking at his track record of promising big and never delivering, I would have thought that a detailed plan would include provisions for when things go terribly wrong.

And how about Edgar’s cronies? Are they ready to come forward now that Francis has started down that slippery slope toward disclosure and discovery? Are the sycophants ready to reveal their roles in Eddie’s detailed plans in order to save themselves? As far as the Windsor Star is concerned, apparently not quite yet.

No doubt you have read, or otherwise become aware of, Anne Jarvis’ last few columns. On the surface of it all, she looks like a converted believer, appearing to call out the City over the Auditor General fiasco, but, like so many times before, she fell short and failed the readership by not calling for an audit herself

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