Windsor Is Only A Small Town, Really

Windsor Is Only A Small Town, Really

By Ed Arditti

I know that the Mayor likes to throw around the word “world-class” whenever he has one of his mind’s eye visions. I guess it makes him feel good to do so thinking that he actually might live in a big city rather than in a town with a population that is probably around 200,000 or even less now with all the unemployed people who moved out of here looking for jobs elsewhere.

Of course, when he comes up with one of these ideas, the Star Columnists have to compare us with all of the locations around the world to make us feel good that we are spending so much money on these white elephants rather than using it for silly things like roads and sewers and watermains.

I wanted to do a Blog about why Dwight Duncan, Deputy Premier/Minister of Finance and one of the two MPPs for Windsor, has been invisible on the Auditor General Termination fiasco. Ultimately, whether he wants to or not, he’s going to get dragged into it. I wanted to try to explain why he is not out in front of this matter rather than being forced to react to it down the road.

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Where’s The Auditor General And Other Stories Of Interest

Where’s The Auditor General And Other Stories Of Interest

Just a few stores to try to capture your interest


Where oh where is the Auditor General who should be looking into whether or not our Water Utility is being run properly. Oh, I forgot. We don’t have one.

Oh, is it election time already? I thought the next municipal election was not for a few more years. I wonder why the water rates are now supposed to be kept at no increase when there is an obvious demand for watermain replacement. Just take a look at the photo I posted the other day about the mess at East Gate Estates. Or what took place in front of my house.

Former Councillor Junior will be livid at how this Utility is being run in such a political manner to its detriment. But we know why don’t we. Remember the Inaugural speech from Edgar (aka Eddie) and how it was described by mini-Gord:

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Is The City Of Windsor Hiding Something

Is The City Of Windsor Hiding Something

By Ed Arditti

Slowly but surely the rights of citizens are being eaten away. Secrecy above all has become the rule in Windsor.

I must admit I don’t understand the reason for it all. It really isn’t all that complicated running a town the size of Windsor. Why is there the need to keep so much information away from us?

Are our Leaders so afraid that we cannot handle the truth? Are they keeping away the truth from us because it would be so horrific for us to know? Or could it be something worse or at least something that can give rise to such a concern?

This is not an academic concern. The last thing that we need in this City at this time is to be distracted. Yet we are. The Langlois affair is a disgrace. And then I read Council Halberstadt’s Blog today and was extremely disgusted. I’ll talk about it later.

I found this commentary in the Detroit Metro Times very interesting:

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Is There A “Dirty Tricks” Campaign Going On In Windsor

Is There A “Dirty Tricks” Campaign Going On In Windsor

By Ed Arditti

It is no longer about Todd Langlois only. He just happened to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time as far as I am concerned. It would have happened to anyone who was in his position if he/she did the same things. While it is important that we determine truth of what happened so that Mr. Langlois is being treated fairly, there is something even more important at stake: the proper governance of this City.

I am concerned that we are seeing a possible “dirty tricks” campaign. You know the Watergate cliché as well as I do: it is no longer only is there a “crime” but is there a “cover-up” as well.

The phrase “dirty tricks” is defined this way by Wikipedia:

“Dirty tricks are unethical, duplicitous, slanderous or illegal tactics employed to destroy or diminish the effectiveness of political or business opponents. The term “dirty trick” can also be used to refer to an underhanded technique to get ahead of an opponent.”

While such tactics have been going on for hundreds of years and are still ongoing– look at the robo-call scandal involving the last Federal election campaign– most of us probably understand that term from the Watergate scandal.

I was having breakfast Saturday morning and all of a sudden I got very angry. It was even before I read mini-Gord’s column. I don’t like what is going on in the City of Windsor. It is beyond comprehension to me how the Todd Langlois affair happened in the first place and how it is spiraling out of control. Every day it seems we are learning new facts that seem to contradict what was said before.

However, the tragedy is that we have no one who is in a position to take a look at the books and records of City Departments and organizations to protect the interest of taxpayers and we will not be in such a position for who knows how long I would bet. Get real, the City won’t do anything meaningful before the next municipal election.

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The Essential Next Step For Windsor

The Essential Next Step For Windsor

By Ed Arditti

Where is Dwight Duncan? Why is he invisible as Windsor falls apart!

Where is his newly elected colleague, Teresa Piruzza, formerly employed by the City of Windsor. She knows what goes on here. Why is she so silent as well!

They know what they can do. They know what the Provincial statutes say. Why aren’t they acting now in the interests of their constituents, the people of Windsor!

You sit here in stunned disbelief every morning reading what is going on at City Hall. Truly, it gets worse and worse every day. The size of the scandal over the termination of the Auditor General is like a snowball growing larger as it rolls down the hill.

Windsor is where I and my wife live and my children as well. Windsor, who the heck would ever move there? Yet we did. We moved to Windsor from Toronto 20+ years ago and would never move back. We have too good of a life in Windsor.

We raised our family in Windsor. We made a commitment to the City when we bought our homes in Windsor. My wife and I intend to retire in Windsor and hopefully our children will stay close by and not have to move away assuming that they can find satisfactory jobs here.

We don’t expect much. We pay our taxes and expect to get the civic services for which we pay. We want value for money. We want our water and electricity services to be dependable. We already had one big water leak right in front of our home and I don’t know how many times we have lost our power. I get angry about that.

But most of all, we want to know that our City is run honestly, efficiently and in the best interest of taxpayers. We want to know that our City is well-managed by Administrators who have the utmost of integrity and are good at what they do.

We want a Mayor and Council who are our leaders. We want to be able to put our complete trust in them, believing that they are acting to make our City the best that it can be.

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Calling Edgar’s Bluff!

Calling Edgar’s Bluff!
By Ed Arditti

Let’s do it. Let us meet the Challenge of the Mayor. Let us give him a real Valentines Day present, not the soft lob that he got on CKLW this morning or in mini-Gord’s column. How nice of the CKLW hosts to send him a candygram today. Their questioning was just as sweet too.

Yes, dear reader, let us audit everything as the Mayor was supposed to do so many years ago. There is no excuse NOT to do so!

“Mayor Eddie Francis started firing back at his critics Monday after enduring a week of calls from his critics for yet more audits – audits at city hall, an audit of Enwin, even an audit of an aquatic centre that doesn’t exist yet.

“You want an audit? Fine – come in and audit everything,” a frustrated Francis railed Monday as the calls continued. “We’ll put it all out to tender. And tell me how you’re going to pay for it.” (Chris Vander Doelen Windsor Star February 14, 2012)

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NDP Calls Auditor General

NDP Calls Auditor General

Story by Mike Vlasveld, Blackburn News

NDP Candidates in Windsor are calling on the Auditor General of Ontario to investigate the Grace Site.

Windsor-Tecumseh representative, Andrew McAvoy says someone has to be held accountable for it taking so long to tear down. “The Auditor General of Ontario has been clear that he will not investigate this action without the permission of Dwight Duncan.” He adds, “That leads to the next step, which is we need representation who are willing to admit something went wrong on the provincial level.”

McAvoy says that the Liberals did that in part when they fired Lou Vozza as the contractor.

Windsor-West’s Helmi Charif says there hasn’t been enough community input either, and the NDP want to hold town hall meetings regarding site plans.


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Francis among Ontario’s best-paid mayors

Francis among Ontario’s best-paid mayors
Doug Schmidt, The Windsor Star
Published: Saturday, April 10, 2010

Windsor is home to one of the highest-paid mayors in Ontario, with Eddie Francis’s income last year even besting that of David Miller in Toronto, a city with a budget 30 times the size of Windsor’s.

Adding up all his local sources of public income, Mayor Eddie Francis made $179,021.50 in 2009.

That appears to be more than what most Canadian mayors made and was surpassed in Ontario only by Mississauga’s Hazel McCallion, according to a Windsor Star survey triggered by last week’s release of the province’s sunshine list.

Toronto’s Miller earned $168,083.72 in wages and taxable benefits running Canada’s biggest and richest city, with a population 13 times the size of Windsor’s.

Francis’s all-in pay last year was 43 per cent above the $124,555.86 that London Mayor Anne Marie DiCecco-Best pulled in.

“You look at the overall figure, and you have to ask: Is it appropriate?” said Coun. Alan Halberstadt.

Mississauga’s McCallion, mayor of Canada’s sixth-largest city since Francis was a toddler, appears to be the only Ontario mayor who can best Francis in the earnings department.

Almost a quarter of her 2009 take-home pay of $186,010.53 comes from her second job sitting on the Region of Peel council.

Having multiple other jobs and paid positions, in addition to wielding the mayor’s gavel, explains how Francis sits near the top of the heap.

Francis’s mayoral salary of just under $87,000 represents less than half his paycheque.

He makes almost that much again just wearing his various hats within the Enwin group of utility companies, all owned entirely by Windsor ratepayers.

As chairman of Windsor Canada Utilities Ltd., chairman of its subsidiary Enwin Energy and board member of Enwin Utilities, Francis earned $51,300.96 in 2009, according to the city finance department. That figure doesn’t include the $8,155.08 he made on the Windsor Utilities Commission.

Windsor treasurer Onorio Colucci cautions it’s important to make “apples to apples” comparisons.

Comparing different city mayors’ incomes isn’t simple, with some getting tax-free allowances while others don’t, and some paid for participation on boards and agencies while others have that included in their overall remuneration.

Figures released under the province’s Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, as well as those published by the municipalities, don’t always reflect the true incomes of municipal political leaders.

The mayors of London and Hamilton, for example, aren’t mentioned in the latest sunshine list even though their 2009 incomes from all sources exceed the $100,000 threshold at which public incomes are normally required to be reported. Contacted by The Star, McCallion’s office insisted her take-home pay was just over $137,000, but that’s because it doesn’t keep a record of her separate Region of Peel council paycheque, which was almost $50,000 last year.

Francis would normally not have had to declare his income because the amount that was reportable — a city-paid salary of $86,895.17 in 2009 — was below the $100,000 threshold for inclusion on the sunshine list. But even when, “in the interest of full disclosure,” his office submits what it says is Francis’s $130,315.60 in total city salary paid, as well as $9,335.65 in taxable benefits, the published total still understates his actual income by about $40,000.

Part of Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger’s 2009 income of $168,161.19 came from the $15,600 he got for sitting on the Hamilton Utilities Corporation board, while London’s DiCecco-Best — whose 2009 reportable “stipends” added up to $94,647.92 — benefited further by “fringe benefits” of $23,765.35.

As for Miller in Toronto, “what you see is what his earnings were … that was the mayor’s total income from 2009,” said spokesman Don Wanagas.

Miller received no money on top of his reported income last year of just over $168,000 for sitting on city agencies, boards and commissions, nor was any of it subject to tax-free status, he added. Toronto’s 2010 operating budget is $9.2 billion compared to Windsor’s $311 million.

Francis makes no apologies.

“Council knows very well the type of individual I am, and council knows I deliver well — I’m hard-working seven days a week,” he said. He said he’s on the job 24/7.

“I’m not complaining, but I don’t know how many other mayors take on as many roles as I do,” he added, pointing out he doesn’t set his salary rate and it’s his council colleagues who “elect” him to the various positions he holds outside the mayor’s office.

He said no other municipality has a tunnel, and the airport in Windsor is run by the city and not a separate authority. Francis made $9,149.95 as chairman of the tunnel commission and $6,456.68 as chairman of the YQG airport board last year. He also made $7,500.01 last year as chairman of the police board.

“I’m certainly not questioning how hard he works. But I’d suggest he doesn’t necessarily need to control everything that moves in this city,” said Halberstadt.

He said it’s “not totally true” that Francis got all his appointments from his peers. “He has pursued the chairmanships aggressively,” Halberstadt said.

Francis recently assumed the chairmanship of the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority after being approached to do so by city and county members.

As a regular EWSWA member last year, the mayor added $230 to his income.

Windsor’s 10 councillors must pool their earnings from various paid authority, board and commission appointments. Last year, it meant each made $11,510 on top of their base councillor salaries of $28,770.48, one-third of it tax-free.

The bulk of council’s pooled board payments — $64,350 of $115,100 — was paid to councillors on Enwin boards, according to finance department records.

“When the mayor’s on them, he gets it all. I don’t think it would hurt to have a review,” said Halberstadt.

Nevertheless, the frequent critic of the mayor doesn’t begrudge Francis his 2009 income.

“Being a mayor is a huge job … it’s an awesome responsibility with a big workload,” said Halberstadt.

While the issue of mayoral pay is “a reasonable thing to raise” during an election year, University of Toronto political scientist Nelson Wiseman questions the usefulness of comparing Francis’s income to other mayors or to those in more economically successful cities.

He said anyone making comparisons must also point out the range of duties and the workload of any individual mayor.

Wiseman said it would be more useful to compare the mayor’s remuneration to that of other public sector leaders in the community, from university and college presidents to the CEOs of hospitals. Adding up the all-in income of Windsor’s mayor, who is in charge of a billion-dollar municipal corporation (when combining 2010 operating and capital spending), Francis made about half of what the local college and university presidents earned last year in salaries.

But Francis would have to take a cut in pay to sit in Ottawa or Queen’s Park — even as a cabinet minister.

Francis’s 2009 public earnings eclipsed those of both Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan (L — Windsor-Tecumseh) and Economic Development and Trade Minister Sandra Pupatello (L — Windsor West), each of whom received $165,851 in salary plus $284.85 in benefits.

MP Brian Masse (NDP — Windsor West) and MP Joe Comartin (NDP — Windsor-Tecumseh) lagged even further behind, each earning $157,731 (although MPs get additional perks like $25,500 in expenses and dozens of free airline tickets).

Pay rates for Windsor’s mayor and councillors were set in 2003 by a citizens panel for the incoming council of 2004. There was a 1.9 per cent cost-of-living increase given in 2005 but no changes since, according to treasurer Colucci.

Francis said remuneration rates for the Enwin group of companies are “in the middle of the pack” among Ontario utilities companies and that they have actually decreased since incorporation went ahead eight years ago.

London’s mayor and council took a five per cent cut last year to reflect the worsening economy during the recession. Last month,

London council voted to reinstate the 2008 remuneration levels for 2010.


Ontario mayoral incomes (2009):

– Mississauga (2006 census population: 670,000): Hazel McCallion: $186,010.53

– Windsor (216,000) Eddie Francis: $179,021.50

– Hamilton (505,000) Fred Eisenberger: $168,161.19*

– Vaughan (239,000) Linda Jackson-Campese: $168,717.44

– Toronto (2.5 million) David Miller: $168,083.72**

– Richmond Hill (163,000) David Barrow: $161,741.10

– Ottawa (812,000) Larry O’Brien: $145,411** (***)

– London (352,000) Anne Marie DiCecco-Best: $124,555.86

* based on City of Hamilton formula equating $111,714.46 salary portion to $146,220 equivalent pay due to one-third of salary being tax free;

** vehicle and driver supplied on top of income (McCallion gets city car, no driver);

*** Ottawa mayor’s all-in annual income is $165,455, but O’Brien took an unpaid leave of absence for part of 2009 to fight a corruption charge for which he was cleared.


See photo galleries of the top-paid mayors.

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Just like a skunk that won’t go away

Just like a skunk that won’t go away

Written by Windsor Shadow
Saturday, 03 May 2008 10:31
Issues surrounding the Windsor Utilities Commission and it’s sister Enwin continue to pile up. Latest up to bat with a few questions is Windsor Star blogger Don McArthur.

Curious that. The fact Zalev works for Enwin raises interesting questions. Will an audit of WUC, as the city has requested, be able to look at the compensation paid to him and others if they don’t actually work for WUC? What else won’t the audit be able to probe because of this division of responsibilities between the two groups?

Councillor Alan Halberstadt’s blog would seem to answer Don’s question:

The Municipal Affairs Ministry, if you look on its website, says this about provincial municipal audits: Nothing in this Part gives to the Ministry any jurisdiction with respect to any of the affairs of a municipal utility commission, licensed under the Ontaro Energy Board Act, 1998, which is only engaged in the distribution, generation or retailing of electricty.”

Hopefully Windsor gets an aggressive auditor with wide-ranging terms of reference. One part of the above sticks out for me. The relevant portion states “which is only engaged in the distribution, generation or retailing of electricty.”

In my view, this opens the door to looking at Enwin as they are not only engaged in distribution, generation or retailing of electricity. By virture of their service agreement with WUC and Maxess communications unit, they are also in the business of providing services outside the realm of distribution, generation or retailing of electricity.

While the electric components of Enwin may be off-limits, the remainder of the business and it’s links with WUC should fall under the purview of the Auditor – as long as the terms of reference allow it.

One way to ensure the widest possible terms of reference is to have a few words with Dwight Duncan and Sandra Puppatello when they come knocking on your door over the next few weeks. I’m sure they’ll plead all sorts of excuses not to get involved such as remaining impartial, not tainting the process and anything else they can think of. The fact remains, they are our Provincial representatives and Windsor residents need them to convey our concerns to the Minister of Municipal affairs. Their input to the Minister may be the only way citizens can have a say in this process. Don’t let them plunk a sign on your lawn until you’ve received a commitment to ask the Minister of Municipal Affairs for the widest terms of reference possible.

If we line up like the usual lemmings and send both of them back to Toronto without speaking out, we will have squandered our last opportunity to have any impact on the WUC fiasco.

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WUC Report Whitewash

WUC Report Whitewash

Special Council meetings Friday at 4 p.m. on interim control bylaws so few can attend. Releasing WUC audit reports to the media at 5 p.m. so that TV news at 6 p.m. will accentuate the positive since the Reporter would not have a chance to read the entire report, be able to analyze it and to report it on the news within the hour.

Now why does Eddie need a team of PR flacks when he knows how to spin the news so well on his own!

Now I don’t want to say I told you so but I told you so. It is a whitewash audit at about $2,000 per page. As an example, the auditors identified a key question that caused concern:

“Concerns voiced by some Councilors and citizens including: Fees received by WUC for “capital replacement reserves” were used for general revenue and/or operations.”

I am still trying to find out where they answered it! I do NOT think they did because it was outside the scope of their mandate.

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