Langlois Shocker: Was AG Sacked Over $15M Enwin Loan

06 Feb 2012 Langlois Shocker: Was AG Sacked Over $15M Enwin Loan

Oh Lord. If you thought that my border Articles were excruciatingly boring, then this Article is guaranteed to put even insomniacs to sleep. It is written in Accountant-ese which is almost as bad as legal-ese. However, stick with me, right to the end. You will find it worthwhile I trust.

I am sure that you know, dear reader, that you would never see a headline or subject line like the above in the Windsor Square. How could you since the former AG never looked at Enwin never mind some $15 million loan. How could he be terminated for something he did not see? Oh sure, the nabobs would say that he was terminated so he would NOT see it! Pshaw, no politician would dare do that because if it was found out, he/she would have to resign in disgrace.

Oh no, that is the kind of despicable journalism that one might see in one of those tabloid newspapers or magazines that one sees in the checkout line at the grocery store or one of those gossip TV shows.

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Make Enwin pay for shortfall

14 Jan 2012 Make Enwin pay for shortfall

Re: Conservation prompts Enwin to seek rate hike, by Monica Wolfson, Jan. 2.

Re: Get rid of Enwin and Energy Board, by Bob Harper, Jan. 6.

OK, let me get this straight. We, as consumers of Enwin Utilities, are being punished because we’ve done something right?

We were told to conserve energy, which we did. We were told to allow the smart meters to be installed.

The smart meters aren’t even on the grid yet, and we are conserving energy. So much, in fact, that we are going to have to start paying extra.

So, if we are doing our part in the conserving department, why on Earth do we need the dreaded smart meters in the first place? I, for one, totally agree with Bob Harper – get rid of the current board at Enwin. Or, have them take pay cuts to make up the shortfall. If we as citizens of Windsor allow Enwin to do this, we have only ourselves to blame.

I believe it’s time to take a stand against corporations who take advantage of those who have to do without.


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Crying Wolf(son) At Enwin

03 Jan 2012 Crying Wolf(son) At Enwin

It’s a brand new year and yet another brand new “crisis” with EnWin Utilities crying Wolfson.

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