Windsor Auditor General Review Petition

The Petition

We, the people of Windsor, call on the Mayor and City Council to bring in the Auditor General of Ontario to review the Office of the Auditor General of Windsor, specifically:

  1. a review of all work done to date, including policies and audit plans;
  2. recommend the most efficient and effective method for staffing the office; and
  3. a review of the reporting structure contemplated by the City of Windsor.

By using the Auditor General of Ontario, the independence of Windsor’s Auditor General office is protected and preserved for it’s next occupant.

Hard copies of the petition can be downloaded <here> and will be available throughout the City starting Thursday February 9th.

Update: Hard copies of the petition are available at the following locations:

  • Phog Lounge – 157 University Ave West
  • Rino’s Kitchen – 131 Elliott St West
  • Milk Coffee Bar – 68 University Ave West
  • The Service Market – 480 University Ave West

Sign petition:

Contact Petition Sponsor Paul Synnott

Please contact the Mayor, your City Councillor and MPPs to let them know of your concerns. 

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Windsor petition urges auditor probe

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Windsor petition urges auditor probe

Province’s AG asked to intervene

By Brian Cross, The Windsor Star February 10, 2012

WINDSOR, Ont. — Activist Paul Synnott has launched a petition calling on council to ask Ontario’s auditor general to sort out Windsor’s failed efforts to have its own auditor general.

“To me, it may not make political sense, but it certainly makes common sense to have the auditor general of Ontario help us with this,” said Synnott. “Even the mayor and city councillors should admit we need help with this situation.”

It’s been four years since council voted to create an auditor general to serve as the city’s independent financial watchdog. But for three years, while a candidate was sought, the job sat vacant. Last March, the lead auditor in the department, Angela Berry went on leave, accusing council and administrators of creating a toxic workplace.

Todd Langlois was finally hired as auditor general in April, but was fired last week. He subsequently stated he’d been prevented from doing his job by “pervasive resistance” from above, an accusation that was denied by city officials and councillors.

In launching the petition, Synnott said he’s not implying there’s corruption at city hall. “But obviously we have a fatally flawed process…. We need an intervention.”

He suggested the Ontario AG could evaluate the work already done by Langlois and his staff and recommend how the office should be set up and run in the future.

But it’s a role that falls outside of Ontario AG Jim Mc-Carter’s mandate. He told The Star Thursday that he’s had similar “special requests” from other municipalities in the past, but had to turn them down. Province legislation says he can consider special requests only from a standing committee of the legislature, a provincial cabinet minister or the premier.

Synnott’s petition can be signed online at ipetitions. com/petition/wagereview. He also has friends circulating hard copies through the city.

“My goal is to reach at least 1,000 before I present it to council,” he said.

He’s opposed to outsourcing the AG role to a private accounting firm, something council is moving toward. “What concerns me is it threatens the independence of the office,” said Synnott. If the reason for outsourcing is to save money, you can achieve the same thing by cutting the office’s $580,000 annual budget, he said. “Reduce it to $350,000 or whatever they choose, and tell the AG we’ll increase your budget as you find savings and efficiencies in the city.”

But Mayor Eddie Francis said getting a professional firm to do the AG job is about more than saving money. “Council believes it would be a more efficient way to deliver more value, quicker, more comprehensive audits,” said the mayor, who hopes council will soon approve issuing a request for proposals from outside firms.

Synnott doesn’t believe an outside firm can fill the role of a taxpayers’ champion, like former Canadian AG Sheila Fraser. But Francis said Windsor has 11 taxpayer champions sitting around the council table.

“If we go to the grocery store, if we go to fill up with gasoline, if we go to pick up our kids, people hold us to a standard every single day,” he said.

He said audits in recent years were initiated with a “black cloud, conspiracy theory” suspicion that something was fishy. But every one – including audits of the 400 building and the WFCU Centre construction projects – showed everything was above board.

Francis said it’s Synnott’s right to collect signatures and present a petition, but he doesn’t favour calling in the Ontario AG. “It’s in our best interest to get the RFP out, get the auditors and get it going,” he said. “To spend another six or seven months, or 18 months, auditing the auditors … doesn’t do justice to what we’re trying to accomplish here.”

© Copyright (c) The Windsor Star

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Like a dog with a bone…

Like a dog with a bone…

Written by Windsor Shadow
Saturday, 03 May 2008 10:31

Now is not the time to give up on the issue of an independent Audit for the WUC. Although the Mayor has stated he’s willing to make the request, there’s a lot of road to be travelled between that statement and Council actually acting next Monday night.

The only way to ensure that Council acts it to maintain the pressure. Continue calling and emailing the Mayor and your Councillors.

We may be in the home stretch, but by no means is this race over yet.

While you’re at it – ask them why the huge increase in Fixed Rate charges instead of increasing the 26.6 cents per cubic metre we pay for water usage.

I wonder how much it has to do with those long term deals we’ve signed with Tecumseh and LaSalle for the provision of water? Although I’m sure the deals have reasonable cost escalators built in, I don’t think they would allow for huge increases. To encourage conservation and reduce usage, Windsor’s rate should be somewhere between $0.90 to $1.10 per cubic metre with little or no fixed charge at all. I’m looking forward to the release of the C.N. Watson rate study.

I’m continuing to study the pros and cons of a User Pay system. Hopefully I’ll have some time this weekend to pull all the research I have together and present it in an easy to understand format. I’ve also received several emails with questions that I will attempt to answer as part of my series on User Pay versus Fixed Charge systems.

One thing to note – I have yet to find a municipality in Canada, let alone Ontario, that has a rate that is even close to Windsor’s. The closest so far is Durham region at $0.56 cents per cubic metre. More than twice Windsor’s rate.

We may have access to an abundant supply of water, but don’t forget that, on average, it costs twice as much to treat water as it does to provide it.

PS – take a minute and sign the petition to create an independent Windsor Auditor General.We shouldn’t have to go cap in hand to the Province asking for assistance. The Municipal Act allows municipalities to create this position. If Windsor truly wants to be a leader in the Province, this would be a good place to start.

Petition to create Windsor Auditor General
Written by Windsor Shadow
Saturday, 03 May 2008 10:31
Paper or Electronic – choose your method of signing the petition. For the electronic version, full name, address and email are required for verification of your signature. None of your information will be displayed or shared other than with Windsor City Council on submission of the petition.

Download a copy [dead-link] of the petition to create a Windsor Auditor General.

Sign the Online Petition.

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Provincial auditor open to WUC probe

Provincial auditor open to WUC probe

By The Windsor Star August 9, 2007

Coun. Alan Halberstadt said Thursday he will request that Ontario’s auditor general investigate the controversial 60 per cent water and sewer rate hike and past financial conduct of the Windsor Utilities Commission.

“There is going to be discussion at council Monday and I have not seen any (administration) report, so I did my own digging,” said Halberstadt, who contacted the province’s auditor general Jim McCarteron Thursday.

“He indicated he would probably be open to it. He said he was a bit behind, but that he could probably be able to do it in six to eight weeks.”

Halberstadt said he learned that to get a local auditor general investigation, a provincial government cabinet minister has to ask for it.

“I’m prepared to make a motion on Monday to request council to ask Minister (Dwight) Duncan or (Minister Sandra) Pupatello to request an audit by the Auditor General’s office,” Halberstadt said.

The financial mess surrounding the Windsor Utilities Commission and planned water rate hike has some city officials and residents calling for creation of Windsor’s own independent auditor general.

Changes to the Municipal Act at the start of this year has allowed Ontario cities to create an auditor general position. Toronto and Ottawa are among the few that have.

“An independent review of municipal affairs will go a long way to giving the public confidence,” said Coun. Bill Marra, who earlier this year requested a report from administration on the issue.

“The federal and provincial governments are subject to it, so it makes no sense that it doesn’t exist at the municipal level in Windsor.”

City auditor Mike Dunbar, who reports to council and senior administrators, is among those who agree the city needs an auditor general, citing the previous MFP scandal and the current concerns around WUC’s finances.

“We always believe there should be an independent set of eyes,” said Dunbar.

“If there was an auditor general here, they would be empowered to conduct an inquiry, something we can’t do. It has certain powers that are advantageous.”

Use of an auditor general role is prominent in municipalities across Quebec, but has been slow to catch on in Ontario, Dunbar said. But he sees that changing thanks to the Municipal Act being reworked.

In Toronto, the city’s auditor general is empowered to conduct audits in the areas of compliance, finances, value-for-money and the environment, and can undertake investigations around suspected fraudulent activities.

Windsor blogger Paul Synnott has included a petition calling for creation of a local auditor general position on his website.

He could not be reached Thursday, but his blog petition states: “We, the undersigned, call on Windsor city council to create the independent office of Windsor auditor general and fund said office as appropriate.”

Coun. Dave Brister said he is awaiting an administration report on the issue before making a decision.

“Since the WUC issue there has been some questions raised on this,” he said. “We have got to ensure we do all we can to keep the public’s trust, but also that we are not re-creating the wheel.

“I want to wait for the report on how best to address that. You want to make sure on something like this before we are spending public dollars.”

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