Mayor Francis ignores his comments made regarding WUC: It’s just confusion

Mayor Francis ignores his comments made regarding WUC: It’s just confusion

It was very evident tonight that our Mayor was in major spin cycle and completely befuddled councillors and myself. Does the Mayor really believe we have that short term of a memory?

If you recall on Thursday, the Mayor himself stated:

“Money that was being raised for water main replacement was actually funding operation costs,” Mayor Eddie Francis said Thursday.

…Coun. Ken Lewenza, who is chairman of the Water Utilities Commission, said he didn’t know how long the commission had been diverting funds. Officials were vague on the details about why a designated fee would be used for other purposes, or whether doing so is illegal.

In addition, both Mr. Zalev and Mayor Eddie Francis said this in an televised A-Channel Report:

Mr. Zalev: The water main levy, which was approximately 13% of the fixed meter charge on the water bill was being used to fund operations.

Reporter: The Windsor Utility Commission admits it was operating unsustainably, but says the rate hike will allow it to turn the corner and guarantees that dollars earmarked for operations and earmarked to replace pipes will remain separate.

Mr. Zalev: The water main levy will pay only infrastructure and capital projects. It will not be used for operations, it will be held in a separate bank account.

Mayor Eddie Francis: We’re not going to play shell games. And we’re going to go back to doing business practices in the sense that, if this is what the dollars are being established for, this is where the dollars have to go.

So here we have the President of the Commission, and former chair of the Commission, both stating that the water main levy was being used to fund operations.

Clear. To the point. No confusion whatsoever. Funds were used for operational expenses. End of story.

However, tonight at council the Mayor blamed poor communications for the “confusion”. He also stated he was attempting to explain something from an “accounting perspective.” Sorry Mayor Francis – you stated very clearly that, “Money that was being raised for water main replacement was actually funding operation costs.” No confusion here. No explanation from an “accounting perspective.”

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