Something Strange Is Going On Here

Something Strange Is Going On Here

I just don’t get it. Is it a fool moon tonight? An early April Fool’s Day joke being played on us by the traditional media?

Of course you have seen this website and joined their Facebook page:

These poor souls have obviously been influenced by the nattering nabobs of negativity. Instead of accepting the City Hall gospel, these people have decided to think for themselves. That really is quite shameful in this City.

More than that, they happen to believe that posting on social media like Facebook and Twitter might help in the distribution of their ideas. What do they think this is: Enwin Awakening, Occupy Enwin/WUC.

The next thing that you will know is that they will call for a huge protest at the next City Council meeting so that everyone on Cogeco can see it for themselves. I got it, there will be a giant flash mob to the song “We built this city” right after the declaration of pecuniary interest. Quite ironic don’t you think.

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