Another Star Whitewash

Another Star Whitewash

By Ian Paulson

(WINDSOR, ON) – I wonder if Eddie Francis can feel his house of cards beginning to crash down around him. His intricate plans, that are detailed plans, probably didn’t include a contingency for failure. Looking at his track record of promising big and never delivering, I would have thought that a detailed plan would include provisions for when things go terribly wrong.

And how about Edgar’s cronies? Are they ready to come forward now that Francis has started down that slippery slope toward disclosure and discovery? Are the sycophants ready to reveal their roles in Eddie’s detailed plans in order to save themselves? As far as the Windsor Star is concerned, apparently not quite yet.

No doubt you have read, or otherwise become aware of, Anne Jarvis’ last few columns. On the surface of it all, she looks like a converted believer, appearing to call out the City over the Auditor General fiasco, but, like so many times before, she fell short and failed the readership by not calling for an audit herself

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Something Strange Is Going On Here

Something Strange Is Going On Here

I just don’t get it. Is it a fool moon tonight? An early April Fool’s Day joke being played on us by the traditional media?

Of course you have seen this website and joined their Facebook page:

These poor souls have obviously been influenced by the nattering nabobs of negativity. Instead of accepting the City Hall gospel, these people have decided to think for themselves. That really is quite shameful in this City.

More than that, they happen to believe that posting on social media like Facebook and Twitter might help in the distribution of their ideas. What do they think this is: Enwin Awakening, Occupy Enwin/WUC.

The next thing that you will know is that they will call for a huge protest at the next City Council meeting so that everyone on Cogeco can see it for themselves. I got it, there will be a giant flash mob to the song “We built this city” right after the declaration of pecuniary interest. Quite ironic don’t you think.

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Some Quotable Quotes

Some Quotable Quotes
by Ed Arditti

In going through some old materials to do research on the Auditor General termination file, I found some interesting news articles with notable quotes in them.

I thought that I would list them for you to read as well. I found them fascinating. I hope you do too.

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Zalev’s conflict clear

Zalev’s conflict clear

By Anne Jarvis, The Windsor StarFebruary 17, 2012

On Jan. 23, Windsor’s auditor general, Todd Langlois, wrote explosive emails to Mayor Eddie Francis and the vice-chairman of the audit committee, Bill Carter.

He told them that Max Zalev, the chairman of the audit committee and CEO of Enwin Utilities, a city-owned corporation, was blocking reports, including a plan to audit Enwin. He said Zalev was “clearly” in a conflict of interest.

He said he was going to formally request that Zalev step down, that he was going to write a public report about the issue and that he was going to call in an outside body, possibly the province, to deal with it.

And he was going to write an additional public report about the “unprecedented” and “egregious” resistance he had encountered since he was hired as a supposedly independent watchdog.

Eight days later, Langlois was fired.

Are we still wondering why he was fired?

Oh, the blatant conflict of interest, the interference, the obfuscation, the double standard, the silly answers to pointed questions – the astonishingly frank emails by an exasperated Langlois.

“Tone at the top is as weak as I have ever seen,” he wrote in the email to Carter Jan. 23. “Lack of cooperation is unprecedented … fox guarding the henhouse … resistance throughout.”

It culminated in the audit committee meeting Jan. 26, when the committee recommended that Langlois be terminated. Zalev knew that Langlois’ three-year plan included auditing Enwin. Yet he participated in the discussion about recommending that Langlois be terminated and then voted to recommend that he be terminated.

But that’s not a conflict, Zalev insisted in an interview.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” he quickly interjected at the suggestion.

It doesn’t count as a conflict, he said, because the plan to audit Enwin wasn’t on the agenda. Off on a technicality.

It wasn’t on the agenda because Zalev wouldn’t allow it on the agenda, emails show.

Besides, he said, the plan had nothing to do with Langlois being fired, he said. So why did Zalev stubbornly refuse to allow the plan on the agenda?

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The Essential Next Step For Windsor

The Essential Next Step For Windsor

By Ed Arditti

Where is Dwight Duncan? Why is he invisible as Windsor falls apart!

Where is his newly elected colleague, Teresa Piruzza, formerly employed by the City of Windsor. She knows what goes on here. Why is she so silent as well!

They know what they can do. They know what the Provincial statutes say. Why aren’t they acting now in the interests of their constituents, the people of Windsor!

You sit here in stunned disbelief every morning reading what is going on at City Hall. Truly, it gets worse and worse every day. The size of the scandal over the termination of the Auditor General is like a snowball growing larger as it rolls down the hill.

Windsor is where I and my wife live and my children as well. Windsor, who the heck would ever move there? Yet we did. We moved to Windsor from Toronto 20+ years ago and would never move back. We have too good of a life in Windsor.

We raised our family in Windsor. We made a commitment to the City when we bought our homes in Windsor. My wife and I intend to retire in Windsor and hopefully our children will stay close by and not have to move away assuming that they can find satisfactory jobs here.

We don’t expect much. We pay our taxes and expect to get the civic services for which we pay. We want value for money. We want our water and electricity services to be dependable. We already had one big water leak right in front of our home and I don’t know how many times we have lost our power. I get angry about that.

But most of all, we want to know that our City is run honestly, efficiently and in the best interest of taxpayers. We want to know that our City is well-managed by Administrators who have the utmost of integrity and are good at what they do.

We want a Mayor and Council who are our leaders. We want to be able to put our complete trust in them, believing that they are acting to make our City the best that it can be.

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Windsor’s priorities misplaced

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Jarvis: Windsor’s priorities misplaced
By Anne Jarvis, The Windsor Star February 10, 2012

Anne Jarvis

Anne Jarvis

Photograph by: The Windsor Star, The Windsor Star

Some people are calling for an inquiry into the fiasco over Windsor’s auditor general. Some want Ontario’s auditor general to review the debacle.

But not Windsor’s integrity commissioner.

The city’s auditor general’s office is imploding. The latest would-be AG, a new, key, highly paid, very public figure, has been fired. Charges of blatant conflict of interest have been levelled again.

But Bruce Elman doesn’t seem concerned about all this. He’s concerned, of all things, that someone on council might have told The Star about it.

It’s The Case of the Misplaced Priorities.

And by the way, the problem isn’t that taxpayers have been told too much. The problem is that we’ve haven’t been told enough.

Elman is “very concerned,” he wrote in a confidential letter to council at its closed meeting Monday, about two stories in The Star Feb. 2. One, by Beatrice Fantoni, reported that the AG had been fired.

The other, by me, reported that council had voted to lease, instead of sell, an environmentally significant woodlot to St.

Clair College as part of the deal to build a new long-term care home. Council had voted at a closed meeting to fire Todd Langlois. A source told Fantoni. A confidential report on the woodlot was discussed at a closed meeting. A source told me about the meeting and gave me the report. That’s what rankled Elman.

“Let me be clear,” he lectured in bold print in his letter, “these disclosures of confidential information, if committed by members of city council (in italics for emphasis), are violations of … the code of conduct …

“I view the issue of confidentiality as a very significant one,” Elman wrote. “I can assure you that if an appropriate complaint, capable of being proven, is made to me, I will vigorously pursue it.”

With all due respect to Elman, former dean of law at the University of Windsor, I view this as very significant: The city has spent four years allegedly trying to hire an auditor general and completing key audits. There have been long, inexplicable delays and accusations of lack of cooperation. Several people have suggested they’ve been driven out. There aren’t enough staff. Then their jobs were going to be contracted out. It’s a shambles. I think this should be vigorously pursued.

I view this as significant, too: The chairman of the audit committee is the CEO of Enwin Utilities, a city-owned corporation that some people want audited. It’s a conflict of interest.

Since we’re paying Elman $300 an hour for investigations, this is what should be vigorously pursued.

“It is your obligation to refrain from disclosing confidential information,” Elman told council.

I think it’s council’s obligation to tell us – in fact, it’s high time they tell us – what’s really going on in the auditor general’s office. Disclosing confidential information “can have significant detrimental consequences for the city,” he wrote.

Not disclosing information has already had significant detrimental consequences.

We’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars allegedly trying to hire an auditor general, an independent watchdog who can tell us if the city is run efficiently and effectively, if we’re receiving value for our tax dollars. We don’t have one.

Curiously, Elman didn’t say he is concerned about the story by reporter Doug Schmidt Feb. 3 on Langlois being fired. A source told Schmidt what happened at the closed meeting, too. Was it a different source than Fantoni’s? Or mine? Are some sources OK but not others?

Elman told me via email that he can’t comment on confidential matters.

Mayor Eddie Francis, too, admonished council at its closed meeting Monday. He’s concerned about information regarding investors that could jeopardize potential jobs.

“Don’t put me in a position where I can’t share information with you,” he told me he warned councillors. “The ball is in your court.”

But I wonder, has Francis ever given the media a “headsup”? If so, is it OK for some people to talk and not others?

(For the record, it’s OK for anyone to talk to me.)

The fact that I knew what the mayor said and I have a copy of Elman’s letter tells me someone agrees with me.

“This is a very senior officer of the corporation … who has a fiduciary duty,” said one source, referring to the auditor general.

While personnel matters are discussed at closed meetings, a termination like this “should be reported immediately,” the source said.

“You’re only leaving it open to speculation. This is a very closely watched environment. Do you really think nobody is going to find out the next day?

“The damage isn’t that the story was leaked. It’s the auditor general’s allegations that are damaging,” said the source, referring to allegations that Francis and senior staff interfered with Langlois’ job.

“This information is going to make its way out one way or the other,” the source said of the firing. “What disturbs me more are those allegations. Let’s look at the bigger picture.”

An inquiry into what has gone on in the auditor general’s office “certainly would be in order,” said Coun. Alan Halberstadt. “It’s obvious the office isn’t working. If council doesn’t want an independent watchdog, they should cut the pretense and forget about it and save $500,000 a year.”

It’s “certainly within his power” for Elman to conduct that inquiry,” Halberstadt said.

Francis disagreed, vehemently.

“The facts are well known,” he said. “If you want to spend millions and millions and millions of dollars to revisit those facts, I think the money could be better spent.”

© Copyright (c) The Windsor Star

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